About George

George contributed to a Hollywood documentary, Man on the Run, about a multi-billion-dollar corruption scandal that rocked Wall Street. He also appeared briefly in the film, which premiered last September.


George started a business to help governments and public-sector organisations with their investments. As a result of this project, he was named as one of the rising stars in investment banking in the UK.

The New York Times: George ‘assisted Portugal in restructuring some trades, which contributed to the start of a parliamentary inquiry into various complex deals and a scandal that has cost many senior political officials their jobs…It was a bruising battle. Mr. Jabbour wrote to various authorities in Portugal, including the Finance Ministry and the debt management authority, and to officials at the International Monetary Fund to warn them, among other things, that other complicated transactions, including certain so-called snowball swaps, were indeed snowballing, or incurring exponentially larger losses. Top officials lost their jobs’.

Risk Magazine: George ‘played an instrumental role in uncovering a series of swaps that incurred heavy losses on several Portuguese public sector bodies’.

The Daily Mail: George ‘who successfully helped Portugal in the financial crisis, told Athens it could right historical wrongs as part of [its] plan to reduce Greece’s debt’.

The Independent: George ‘has also helped expose other cases’…is ‘a leading adviser’’who has advised indebted governments on recovering losses made from complex transactions’.

The Telegraph: George was ‘a talented banker’ at Goldman Sachs…advised ‘governments in countries including Portugal, Italy, France and Spain, on understanding and restructuring complex trades they may have entered into with banks’.

The Financial Times: George ‘was winning commendations for his work structuring derivatives trades at Goldman Sachs’.

The Sunday Express: George ‘structured risk reduction and insurance deals for UK pension schemes’ at Goldman Sachs.

The Times: George ‘has raised the issue of investment banks’ swap trades with European public utilities with senior officials at the International Monetary Fund in an attempt to draw attention to the sometimes ruinous liabilities left on taxpayers’.

Described by financial commentators as ‘ethical’, ‘honourable’, a ‘hero’ and having an ‘extraordinary past in investment banking’.


George is proud to have served in politics by standing as a candidate in high-profile, albeit unwinnable, elections in every part of the country. He campaigned on local issues, championed the interests of local residents and made a difference in the community. He set up local initiatives and community projects, including an award-winning registered charity that received national recognition for its work during the Coronavirus pandemic.

George fronted the campaigns, managed the teams and led groups of activists, candidates and Councillors. As a result, he improved the results throughout and achieved several electoral records.


George was awarded a Certificate of Commendation in acknowledgement of ‘bravery and public spirited action’ and in recognition of the ‘meritorious service…displayed leading to the apprehension and conviction of a criminal’. His Honour Judge K Thomas whilst sitting at the Crown Court stated:

‘Mr Jabbour is commended for his public spirited action in intervening when a young girl was sexually assaulted on a public bus, when she was travelling alone. It would have been very easy for Mr Jabbour to ignore what was happening and to not confront the perpetrator, but Mr Jabbour took appropriate action to prevent the offence becoming more serious than it was.’